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Stories on Art, Incarceration, and Homelessness

Jun 06 | Thu | 4 pm | FREE
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Stories on Art, Incarceration, and Homelessness at Apexart
In this live performance, Gregory Frederick will draw from jazz piano and storytelling to reflect on the revolving doors between the mass-incarceration industrial complex, and the New York City homeless shelter system. As a multimedia artist, the performance will intertwine oral history, music, and visual art to shed light on the vicissitudes of life behind bars, and the inherent challenges of recovery and redemption afterward.

This event will also be live-streamed on Youtube (no RSVP needed for YouTube) and follow apexart on YouTube @apexart291 for upcoming live events and past recordings.


Gregory Frederick is a musician and visual artist. During and after military service in Vietnam and Korea, he spent thirty years pending back and forth between military detention centers, jails, and max-security prisons, before eventually landing in New York’s most infamous homeless shelter complex for mentally ill and substance-addicted men, carefully sequestered on Wards’ Island.

IMAGE CAPTION: Gregory Frederick, self-portrait (Oil-paint on canvas)

Venue: Apexart

291 Church Street Map