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Virtual Art History Through a Jewish Lens: Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Museum at Eldridge Street
Feb 27 | Thu | 6PM | FREE
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Virtual Art History Through a Jewish Lens: Henri Toulouse-Lautrec at Museum at Eldridge Street
Enjoy another installment of Art History Through a Jewish Lens with the Museum at Eldridge Street and art historian Ellaine Rosen!

Meet Henri Toulouse-Lautrec and his Parisian friends—the sex workers he respected, performers he elevated, and patrons he immortalized.

Toulouse-Lautrec was working in Paris during two of the most significant antisemitic scandals of 19th-century France—the Panama Canal Scandal and the Dreyfus affair. How did Lautrec handle the controversies in his art? Was he on the right side of history? The answer is ambiguous.

Learn about this history, and explore Lautrec's atmospheric paintings of Montparnasse, many featuring La Goulue (Louise Weber), the Jewish star of the Moulin Rouge's Cancan. Despite physical disabilities, Lautrec had talent, fame, and fortune. Why did he self-destruct and die at the age of 36? Join us on Thursday, February 27th at 6pm for a virtual seminar with art historian and lecturer Ellaine Rosen and explore Lautrec's life and legacy through art.

Please see the Zoom link in your order confirmation email. This program is entirely virtual.

Registration for this Zoom program is pay-what-you-wish. The following are suggested amounts for each ticket type: Adults $12 Seniors $10 Students $8

Venue: Museum at Eldridge Street

12 Eldridge Street Map